Get Drain Pans for Air Handlers.
As your air conditioner cools the air, condensation forms on the coil. This condensation forms drops which eventually trickle to the bottome of the air handler in your system.
PRICE: $109.99 ex. tax
The system itself is designed in such a manner as to allow for this moisture to drain out of the unit, and this is where the drain pan comes in. Whatever water remains after evaporation has taken place, leaves the bottom of the unit and is collected in the drain pan where further evaporation can occur until the wate is gone. Without a drain pain, the water can seep into the ground causing dampness and mold and mildew growth in the best case. In the worst case if your air handler is located somewhere inside your home (in an attic or enclosed wall for instance) this moisture can seep into wood and sheet rock causing damage and leading to an unsafe indoor breathing environment. Our Goodman brand drain pans combat this problem by allowing for a sufficient volume of space to contain this moisture under normal circumstances where it can harmlessly evaporate!
Goodman Drain pans are used with air handlers to catch the condensation produced. See the drop down box below to select different sizes.
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